Strange Modern Medical Treatments
1. Maggot Therapy:
historically favored treatment stemming from World War One, maggots have
been known to treat gangrene, bone infections and infected gunshot
wounds given its ability to cure bacteria strains faster than most other
alternatives. Today, the common green-bottle fly maggots are used to
eat dead tissues and can help save limbs from amputation.
2. Leeches:
The use of
leeches in medicine was officially approved in 2004 and is known to be
effective in treating abscesses, painful joints, glaucoma, rheumatic
diseases, some venous diseases and thrombosis. Leeches can also be used
to help restore blood circulation to veins or body parts that have been
3. Blood Letting:
is a way of withdrawing large quantities of blood from a patient to
cure or prevent illness and disease. It has been in use since the late
19th century, and is still in use today to rid a patient of excess iron
or red blood cells.
4. Fecal Bateriotherapy:
bacteriotherapy is a treatment that comes in the form of a series of
liquid enemas and is used to cure inflammatory bowel disorders. The
bizarre part is the way in which the liquid enema is created – through
the use of a poop donor, who, oddly enough, donates his or her own
feces. The healthy bacterium from the poop donor’s feces helps the
infected patient.
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